Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks

Posted by Ray Cousins on

Whilst we don’t often refer to our wonderful canine friends as Canus Lupus Familiaris we’re more familiar with the gray wolf of thousands of years ago under that name. The wolf of those days was man’s fiercest rival, often roaming around in packs and using their cooperative skills to overcome their most challenging prey. Their instincts were unmatched, being able to smell their lunch and dinner from over a mile away.

Over time, and maybe as lone wolves emerged from packs, they became less aggressive , and even tamer over the centuries thus promoting the earliest human integration, and what became the dogs that we know and love today.

The time had also arrived for training and canine adaptability, and with the growing popularity of ‘show’ events during the Victorian era in England, different breeding practices promoting various breeding methods along with different animal sizes and traits evolved.

At a time such as today, with the choice of hundreds of different types of dogs being available for adoption, planning compatibility is of the utmost importance in order to ensure a good family fit.

From a hip-hugging couch pooch, to a long legged running buddy, the choices have to be considered very carefully. While some pedigreed varieties can often be predisposed to certain ailments (hip dysplasia) a mixed breed is not necessarily immune from similar challenges.

No one would argue that all puppies are adorable, but serious thought needs to be given to their individual needs as they become older. Exercise, training, correct grooming and skin care are of the utmost importance.

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